Gran Canaria has a large number and variety of acomodation to stay. We recommend you book in advance due to the dates of the Gran Canaria O-Meeting are high tourist season.
We offer you suggestions to stay near the competition areas and in different types of accommodation. Some of these accommodations have agreements with the organization, so they can offer you some improvements. You can also enjoy lots of different lodgins in the South of Gran Canaria (Beach, theme parks…) or in the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (beach, culture, urban tourism…)
Please, pay attention updates.
More lodgins (Vacational apartments in Arucas)
- Casa Mamá Fela:
- Loft Papá Pepe:
- Loft Gran Canaria:
- Finca La Esperanza (Casa Rural) o Casa del Mar (VV):
- Vivienda Vacacional «Los Enanos Beach House”: